BIG Problem from ChiCom Nanotech!?

Stalin’s ‘industrialization’ and Hu Jintao’s ‘modernization’

With all thewierd stuff going on these days what with the usual Irano-Islamofascist stuff, the US political meltdown, and the other miscellaneous forms of contemporary chaos, this one STILL gives the Chief sinking feeling like little else.

Lev Navrozov has “been there, done that” in terms of his experience, and he paints an extremely alarming picture here.

When war was the war of steel, no spy penetrated Stalin’s military secrets of steel. But it was clear to every person of common sense that it was for the production of weapons and of the machines producing them that Stalin wanted so much steel in his country…

In 1945, the war of steel was over. Nuclear weapons were on. But nuclear powers (including the United States since 1945, Stalin’s Russia since 1949, and China since 1964) have been living in peace due to Mutual Assured Destruction. Each nuclear power had secret means of retaliation (such as deeply submerged submarines with nuclear missiles aboard), which nuclear weapons cannot destroy and which would have annihilated an attacker by way of retaliation.

Only superweapons, such as molecular nano weapons, could destroy enemy secret means of retaliation, circumvent thereby Mutual Assured Destruction, and thus annihilate the enemy with impunity.

…no spy has penetrated China’s labs, developing superweapons. A reader of mine (who asked me not to divulge his name) sent me on July 11, 2004, his three-page e-mail about his attempts, when living in China, to learn something-anything-about China’s labs developing superweapons. He works at NASA Glenn Research Center and was excellently received in China. Here is, out of his three-page e-mail to me, the most “penetrating” paragraph:

I talked with a guy who had worked in the military in another city. He said that most secret military projects are carried out in remote areas under the mountains. Essentially, there are huge underground facilities where manufacturing and research is conducted. He said that China’s main concern was in hiding the level of technology that they had achieved, thus giving them an advantage militarily.

READ THIS PIECE. This is almost entirely off the radar screen, but we can ignore this only at our own risk.

Maybe, we’re at least TRYING to figure out what they are really up to:

National Science Foundation Opens New Office … in Beijing

The National Science Foundation (NSF), a leading governmental research group in the United States, has opened a research operations office in Beijing, officials said yesterday.

This next comment is rather interesting in its own right:

But the U.S. Ambassador to China, Clark Randt, also made clear that the new office is partly a response to changes in the global research marketplace. Some experts say the United States is losing its edge in general science research and in robotics.

If we’re willing to say THIS much, how much more is being left unsaid. The Ambassador’s statement is like the tip of an iceberg.

For yet more background on the ChiComs advanced weapons programs check THIS out:

Warning: ‘We do not have the most powerful weaponry on earth’

The Invision Power Board (Online) posted on Jan. 7, 2005, an article headlined “Scalar Weaponry Makes Nukes A Thing of the Past.” Nukes? No wonder! They were obtained and used in 1945, more than half a century ago! The article begins as follows: “Scalar weapons are electromagnetic waves emitted through a specially constructed radio antenna.”

How’s THAT title grab you!