Last Word on Illegal Alien Act: Read and Heed!

CIRA=Corruption, Ignorance, Recklessness, Arrogance

The sheer staggering awfulness of CIRA (the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act McCain-Kennedy Open Borders and Illegal Alien Amnesty Act(r), passed by the U.S. Senate yesterday) is just beginning to dawn on me. Heritage’s Robert Rector, who knows what he’s talking about, called it “the worst bill I have seen in 25 years.” The only thing to question there is the 25. This might easily be the worst bill ever.

This piece is as concise a summary of the breath-taking scope of this legislative abortion as it is possible to write. Read it and weep!

I will not vote for any politician who helped pass this bill; I will not vote for any politician who says so much as a word in its favor – make that a syllable – and I will not even vote for any politician who agrees to go into conference on this horror. How big are Capitol Hill garbage bins? That’s the only place this heap of dreck belongs.