Bush Orders FBI-Congress Documents Sealed
President Bush stepped into the Justice Department’s constitutional confrontation with Congress on Thursday and ordered that documents seized in an FBI raid on a congressman’s office be sealed for 45 days. The president directed that no one involved in the investigation have access to the documents taken last weekend from the office of Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., and that they remain in the custody of the solicitor general.
Bush’s move was described as an attempt to cool off a heated confrontation between his administration and leaders of the House and Senate.
Well, yes, it COULD be described that way…but…Emperor Misha at Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler comes up with a connect the dots sequence that ends with this unfortunate suggestion in relation to the President’s action:
A cynical person might be led to believe that there was some sort of implied message hidden in there somewhere, something along the lines of “of course, what happens regarding your precious “safety in your offices” AFTER the 45 days depends entirely upon the result of negotiations between you guys in the House and my guys in the Senate”, but that would just be… ridiculous. Right?
Ridiculous? Misha reports, you decide. Check out his reasoning, though it doesn’t make a pretty picture.
Another post at the Rottie includes a dynamite clip of CNN talking head Jack Cafferty ripping a strip from Congress’ hide over this. It’s well worth checking it out!
With this, and Lou Dobbs drilling the Senate on its just passed Open Borders and Illegal Alien Amnesty Act, could CNN be attempting to turn over a new leaf, and do some…fair and balanced coverage? Time will tell if this is a pattern, or just a couple of flukes.