Blair’s crackdown on freedom is an inspiration to tyrants
The Chief has noted in prior postings, that the trending of domestic programs and measures in Blair’s Britain has been one that has resulted in an ever more intrusive role of the government. This UK commentator builds his case, and comes to a similar conclusion:
This plague of Labour legislation may not much affect the criminals and illegal asylum-seekers of Britain. But the laws give the likes of Mugabe the pleasure of saying, tu quoque: you are up to it as well.
Britain has something far more precious and more important to give the world than the £4.6 billion of overseas aid, and that is the idea of freedom. It is not shortages that cause famine, but tyranny. No tyrant can survive for too long in the face of a free press and a free civil society. The sad thing is that we are losing our moral authority to export our greatest asset.