Michigan Ed Department Bans “America”

Keep ‘America’ in Michigan schools

Censoring the word “America” from our own schools is something Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden would never have thought possible. Michigan has done it without a whimper.

The Michigan State Education Department has left reality behind and has apparently moved into the realm of hallucination. In the words of Isaac Asimov: “Such folly smacks of genius. Lesser minds would be incapable of it.”

In perhaps a well-intentioned, but pernicious example of political correctness, (note from the Chief: We all know what is used to pave the road to hell.) the Michigan Department of Education is attempting to ban the words “America” and “American” from our public schools. Even though the word “America” appears in the department’s own civics and government benchmarks, the department’s style protocol for the Michigan Education Assessment Program requires that “America” and “Americans” be expunged from our testing and grade level expectations. Last week, the department ordered that our hard-working teachers not utter the words.

Every time something totally stupid pushes the envelope of political correctness, something else even wierder always seems to happen. If the people of Michigan swallow this jug of stale piss, then we’re even farther gone than I had feared.

Side note: Is it a coincidence that Michigan has one of the largest US communities of Islamics in the country? One has to wonder.