Republocratic Presidency!?

Bush, Congress at Growing Odds Over Policy on Palestinian Arabs

As Prime Minister Olmert prepares for his first official meeting with President Bush since his election in March, a clash is emerging between Congress and the White House over whether America should have formal diplomatic relations with the Palestinian Authority now that it is effectively controlled by the terrorist group Hamas.

Let’s see. Bush pushed for greatly expanding the role of government in education, and health care. He’s afraid (apparently) to fully exercise US power to successfully conclude the current middle-east war games. He had obviously been malfeasant in defending the soveriegn borders of the United States. Now he comes in support of cozying up to the Palestinian Authority – which is now under the management of the hard-core terrorist based Ham-Ass Hamas.

Is there ANYTHING conservative left in the White House? I wonder where.

The House of Representatives this morning is set to pass the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006, legislation that would instruct the State Department to cut ties with Palestinian Authority officials and restrict everything except the barest of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Arabs. Unlike other legislation supported by the pro-Israel lobby in Washington, the bill under consideration has little in the way of waiver authority for the president to overrule the intentions of Congress.

Thank God for the House. It may well be the last sane branch of government that we have left.