Enough Already!

With the inevitable and welcome distractions of the Christmas-New Year’s season, and the same-old same-old political tactics of the Donkey Party’s Lame Ruptured Duck session, it’s been hard to generate enthusiasm for posting about the recent run-of-the-mill political news.

Finally, the most recent Sunday Day-by-Day webtoon strip concisely and thoroughly summed up my attitude, starting with the observation of one of the characters that

• racists like Sharpton on racism
• thieves like Sherrie Sherrod on what is fair
• communists like Van Jones on “power to the people”
• liars like Bill Clinton on honesty
• the MSM and ‘Journolist’ pundits on journalism
• spenders like Obama on having ‘skin in the game’ as he blows millions on his personal vacations
• illegal aliens on American citizenship
• spend-crazy Keynesians on economic growth
• academics on real-world scenarios
• snobs in the beltway on civility
• idealogues like Eric Holder on ‘justice’
• the Democratic Party on American values
• feminists on what men should be
• Pat Robertson and religious activists on what/should be
• incompetents like Obama on, frankly, ANY subject other than redistribution of our wealth
• power-mad billionaires like Soros on anything to do with the word ‘freedom’
• RINOs on outreach and compromise [RINO = Republicans In Name Only]
• people who twist language to mean everything and nothing
• incompetents like 99% of this administration and congress on competency

Hear, hear! Couldn’t agree more!