Perry says consider military in Mexico
GOP Gov. Rick Perry, who continues to insist he’s not interested in the presidency, is nevertheless always ready to tell the federal government how to do a better job on such matters as border security — including indicating the U.S. should be open to sending military into Mexico to help fight the drug war.
Appearing on MSNBC on Thursday, Perry was asked, “Would you advocate military involvement in Mexico on the Mexico side of the border to help Mexico in this drug war?â€
Perry answered: “I think we have to use every aspect of law enforcement that we have, including the military. I think you have the same situation as you had in Colombia. Obviously, Mexico has to approve any type of assistance that we can give them.
“But the fact of the matter is, these are people who are highly motivated with money. They are vicious. They are armed to the teeth. I want to see them defeated. And any means that we can to run these people off our border and to save Americans’ lives we need to be engaged in.â€
General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing commanded a US expeditionary force that fought Mexican insurgents under Pancho Villa after the burning of the town of Columbus, NM. The effort was finally ended only with Pershing and the Army having bigger fish to fry with the US entry into WW-I. The Mexican expedition never actually caught up with Villa himself, but it did have the effect of keeping the border clear…which seems today to be a most positive outcome.