Senators and TSA Defend “Love Pats” at Airports

Transportation Safety Administration chief John Pistole and several senators from both parties defended the new, enhanced airport security screening procedures as necessary in the face of a persistent and evolving terrorist threat in a hearing Wednesday on Capitol Hill….

Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri said prior to Pistole’s testimony that she believed TSA was in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation, because people would be hopping mad at TSA if Christmas bomber Umar Farouk Adbulmutallab had succeeded. She went on to say the new advanced imaging technology–which has caused uproar because of its leave-no-secrets imaging and potential health risks–is more of a blessing than a curse.

A blessing to the TSA pornohobbyists who have saved and promulgated scan images in spite of solemn assurances that this is impossible.

“I’m wildly excited that I can walk through a machine instead of getting my dose of love pats,” Sen. McCaskill said.

If the Senator is “wildly excited” by this, she has to be what is sometimes referred in college to as a “cheap date”. Also, maybe it WOULD be “Love Pats” to Barney Frank, but I have somewhat different standards…

Anyway, what’s really annoying is the assumption of these wanna-be Gestapo that THEIR plan is the only thing that can be done to give what they laughingly refer to as security…which is patently idiotic at best, or else something much worse…

The most secure airline on the planet is El Al…for obvious reasons. If you want to fly securely, THAT’S the one to use. Of course they make active and continuous use of that ultimate bugaboo of the politically correct: PROFILING! And it works!