Post-Election Notes

SD Headers:
(heh heh heh!)

Not a happy day for the Donkey Party in South Dakota when Cory looking for a bright spot notes the earthshaking event that Indy candidate Marking got more votes in Kristi’s home county than he did in Herseth-Sandlin’s. (Otherwise, his comments about Marking were pretty good, give credit where credit’s due!)

The turnout was good for a mid-termer…mostly 60-70% range or thereabouts, of course some lower and some higher…still, not too bad. I had occasion to look at the Missouri results for comparison…their turnout was in the 30-50% range mostly, and they also had some serious Congressional, and a Senatorial race. A good one for SD’s voters!

The one personal sour twinge was that the Chief would have liked to have seen dairyman Jim Gilkerson make it in District 4…have known him and his family for some time…he would have made a positive contribution in the legislature.

Nationally, the Donk’s consolation is our curse, that we still have to put up with Dingey Harry Reid, to go along with Barbara Boxhead…er…Boxer, and Patty “Lady in Tennis Shoes” Murray. I know–with the left coast being tilted so much that it’s now filled up with the loose nuts, Nevada is getting the overflow!

Another MAJOR benefit of the national outcome is less free Botox(r) commercials (otherwise known as Pelosi “pressers”) from the Capitol. That’s a major blessing in and of itself, above and beyond the obvious improvement in the composition of the House.

Now the heavy lifting starts, to start to repair the damage inflicted by almost two years of Obamunism (as well as from the RINO progressives).