Last minute charges of financial skullduggery from both the LibDonk and conservative sides in the run up to the SD election. The LibDonk situation is being thoroughly vetted by SDWC, as noted below. Contrasting coverage, or the lack thereof, leave the Argus with its partisan inconsistency hanging out like a full moon for the body politic.
First this recent bit:
$750,000 donation might be illegal, group alleges
The group trying to overturn the state’s abortion ban filed a complaint Friday with Attorney General Larry Long, alleging that a corporate donation to the Vote Yes for Life campaign might have violated state law.
Now, no one disputes RINO Jan Nicolay’s right to question anything. (Of course a bit more rigorous legal analysis would be in order, but hey, for a RINO, like other varieties of moonbats, that’s par for the course, and another topic altogether.)
What’s interesting is the front page coverage here, ad nauseum, about the nerve of anyone trying to seriously oppose a woman’s right to commit an act of pre-natal infanticide. The Chief has to wonder what the flap is about, if, as the polls report, they are on track to throw out the state’s abortion ban.
Are they perhaps concerned that they may not, after all have a shoe-in, and are trying to create a backlash to an alleged illegality? Is the Chief just too cynical here? Maybe, maybe not.
Anyway, back to the Argus. The case is made that it is not illegal for corporate based donations to ballot ISSUES to be used, unless the corporation in question has actively sought contributions for same. No one has thus far indicated any evidence that this is the case.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, If you want to see how some REAL investigative journalism should look (original documentary paper trail!) check out SDWC’s posts on the situation of irregularities of funding for LibDonk Billion’s gubernatorial campaign.
Click on image for enlargement.
Did anyone besides me notice this….
Breaking News: More discrepancies on Vision South Dakota Financial Report
Phew! As summarized by SDWC:
…the address of the mysterious “South Dakota Association” who is funding the battle to end video lottery (which I think will force an income tax) has the same address as The Midwest Coalition for Progress? The Anti-DM&E group which was funding Vision South Dakota. Who in turn was finding South Dakotans for Honest and Open Government as well as Jack Billion.
After noting that the anti-DM&E effort is ex-Senator Daschle’s pet project, one is tempted to say the picture gets even more politically incestuous (even if that description sets off the abortion proponents again, oh well).