Samsung creates machine-gunning robot, doesn’t play MP3s
Samsung has developed a sentry robot with machine guns on it that will kill on sight. Geez guys, the MP3 player business wasn’t working well enough for you? Or is this just a way of diversifying, hoping to get customers in with the players and then give them the hard sell on the $200,000 killing machine? In any case, the robot has a camera for the daytime and an infrared camera for the nighttime and can tell the difference between people and trees, which doesn’t sound all that difficult. No word on if it can differentiate between terrorists and trick or treating children dressed as terrorists (sorry again, kids!). It has a speaker to warn people that they’re about to get their face blown off by a gun-wielding robot, which is a nice touch. This perfect killer will be set up on the DMZ separating North Korea and South Korea next year, as if you needed another reason to stay the hell away from the DMZ. Check the really unsettling promo video after the jump.
It doesn’t seem so unsettling to the Chief…in fact it’s sort of reassuring.
Hmmmmm. About that Mexican border…heh heh heh!