Kerry Trips Up WIth Foot in Mouth

Kerry: Get educated or ‘get stuck in Iraq’

Democratic Sen. John Kerry warned students in a campaign speech last night that if they don’t study hard and get a good education they might “get stuck in Iraq.”

The flap about Massachusetts Dork Donk Senator John Kerry’s slam on US troops serving in Iraq, will go down in memory as one of the greatest political blunders of the decade.

Of course once the flap got started, he did a fast backpedal, and has tried to claim that it was a busted attempt at a joke. Like many good attempts at lies, there IS a germ of truth there…but the big joke is Kerry and his unpatriotic expression of anti-Americanism. (Yes – the Chief DOES question his patriotism!)

The Lord works in mysterious ways, and Kerry’s slip up looks to have a large impact on Tuesday’s election – but not the one that Kerry was trolling for when he made his remarks that left his Freudian slip hanging out.

Even better he refused to apologize at all for the remarks…so much for the standard LibDonk line about “opposing the war but supporting the troops”.
