Revisionist Recitation: Obama Omits ‘Creator’ While Quoting Declaration
Towards the end of a speech on September 15 to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Obama began quoting the famous “rights†line from the founding document. But partway through, he omitted where those rights come from: a Creator.
The line is supposed to read: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.â€
But Obama’s recitation left out an important part: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are crated equal. [Long Pause] Endowed with certain inalienable [sic] rights: life and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.â€
So what’s the big deal about? If our unalienable rights (as stated in the Declaration…not inalienable as stated by the alleged Constitutional scholar) do not come from the Creator, then they come from where? Inevitably from the organization of the state, and if that’s the case, amen to the rights, for what the state gives, the state can take away!
In the first 126 words of the Declaration, there are 5 fundamental principles that are the underpinnings of the American republic:
– there is a Creator
– He gives us unalienable rights
– there is a moral law that governs man
– government exist to protect the rights He gives
– below the God-given rights, rule is by the consent of the governed
All of those are dependent on the rights obtained from the Creator: what the Creator gives, no man, nor no human agency can take away. In the world of B.O. that would never do…then the transformational change we can {had better) believe in (or else!) could never happen.
Watch it Chief, he is gonna sick his corpsemen on you!
I do know some Corpsmen that will be able to cure you though…
Chief’s reply:
Cured of irrelevant replies to postings. I hope!