Reality Check on Donks

Just Why Democrats Are ‘Dangerous’ When It Comes To America’s Defense

The listing of current and historic Donk fecklessness regarding national security is little short of scandalous, if not treasonable at times.

Thomas Sowell, the distinguished Stanford scholar, wrote on this page a week ago that there’s a difference between the major parties: “The Republicans are disappointing and the Democrats are dangerous.” We’d like to take this opportunity to elaborate on his second point.

The Chief concurs that the GOP has been disappointing. In fact they are so bad that they only look good compared to their opposition.

We and our allies are in a serious global war against fanatical, determined Islamic terrorists who have declared war on America and the free world. Their stated objective is to kill all the Americans they can, eliminate Israel, control and enslave women, and in time overpower and rule with an iron fist nations from Spain to the Far East. They intensely hate our freedom and successful way of life.

Read that paragraph again. And again. Get the picture yet, or do you need a good swat from the Cluebat?

While Democrats in Congress always assert they “support our troops,” their political policies and actions have continually undermined our nation’s fight to win the war on terror and defend America. Here is their national security record:

1. On missile defense of America – Democrats voted against it.

2. On the Patriot Act – Democrats voted against it.

3. On tapping foreign terrorists’ phone calls to the U.S. – Democrats voted against it.

4. On tracing terrorists’ money flow between foreign banks – Democrats voted against it.

5. On building a border wall to control illegal immigration and stop dope – dealers, terrorists and criminals – Democrats voted against it.

6. On interrogating captured terrorists – 194 Democrats just voted against it.

7. On telling the world (and our enemy) about a timetable for withdrawing from and deserting Iraq – this is Democrats’ retreat and defeat plan.

Think that’s bad? Here’s the Democrats’ national defense record for the last 40 years:

The rest of the piece lists the 40 years of recent history of Donk incompetence or willful foolishness regarding US national security.

Check out the article for all of THAT, and as you do remember: “By their fruits, ye shall know them.”