Funeral Protests to Stop

A couple of items concerning the fundamentalist Kansas church that has been traveling around the country protesting at military funerals
of Iraq war dead. This has stimulated a number of states, including South Dakota passing laws restricting their access: keeping it to a distance, etc.

Their STATED response:
Kansas church won’t break picketing laws

A small Kansas church known for its anti-gay protests said Wednesday it will still picket on the day of soldiers’ funerals but won’t violate new state laws that limit when and where such demonstrations take place. “We’re not going to get arrested. We obey the law,” said Shirley Phelps-Roper, an attorney and member of Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, a fundamentalist congregation headed by her father, the Rev. Fred Phelps.

Westboro Baptist has outraged mourning communities across the nation by showing up at soldiers’ funerals with signs that read “God Hates Fags” or “God Made IEDs,” a reference to roadside bombs. Members of the congregation contend soldiers are being struck down by God for defending a nation that tolerates homosexuality.

Meanwhile, at a military funeral:

Bikers on guard at war funerals

The sound of outraged patriotism is echoing across the American heartland like rolling thunder. Mounted on earth-trembling Harley-Davidsons, a volunteer army is shielding grieving families from Christian fundamentalists claiming that the deaths of US soldiers are punishment from God for homosexuality.

Marshalling more than 200 bikes for a military funeral in hardbitten Kokomo, the Indiana “state captain” of the Patriot Guard Riders, Richard Wilbur, was loathe to discuss the protests….But he acknowledged that its turnout was greatly increased by the expected presence of pickets from the fanatically homophobic Westboro Baptist Church.

Meanwhile back at the church:
Hmmmm. Legislation AND 200 bikers as an honor guard? (Think, think.) It’s sure a good thing that those laws give us a way to back out of these protests – so we don’t have to worry about those bikers!