SD War College has been tracking a situation where a SD State Senator has been involved in some sort of impropriety that would constitute a serious rules violation, if true.
Coincidently, there has been a lot of conversation in the Flandreau area about a similar situation, although in that case, names, and a lot of more detailed information is included in the commonly available version(s). There is even mention of alleged sub-rosa political deals associated with the non-release of information by some of the principals involved.
Of course, this is all just local conversation, with no open corroboration by anyone concerned. The Chief will be watching along with a lot of others, to see how this one develops.
What is out there, has been pretty nicely summarized by DWC here, here, and here, and also on South Dakota Politics. Check them out for more of the scoop on this, if you are so inclined.
In spite of the Argus Loser Liar Leader jumping on any hint of anything that they can use to flog the Governor and other Republicans, Dave Kranz et al have been as speechless as Mt.Rushmore on this one. This is also noted on SDP – but then, who could be surprised…the Argus does what the Argus does. That’s the way they are…sort of like horses leaving behind evidence of their passage, it just comes with the territory.