More NorK News

U.N. imposes trade embargo on N. Korea

This sounds better than it is – the ChiComs, who voted for the resolution have also noted that they have no intention of enforcing the actual embargo itself, so what’s the point of the whole exercise anyway?

Damfino, but it does once again illustrates the fecklessness if not total uselessness of the United Nations.

Ban Ki-Moon: Rice Should Talk with North Korea

See this prior posting concerning the NorKs, and follow the link to read the full article.

Now, try again to tell the Chief that we should be talking to that regime. Not only no, but hell no! In spite of this suggestion from the former South Korean foreign minister – the new UN Sec’y General – it looks like most South Koreans have felt the Cluebat and have rapidly changed their opinion.

In South, most call for new policy, own nukes

In less than a week since North Korea claimed to have tested a nuclear weapon, public opinion in the South has turned sharply against a South Korean policy of engaging the enemy in the belief it will eventually bring peace on the divided peninsula. A JoongAng newspaper poll, several days after the reported nuclear test Monday, found 78 percent of respondents thought South Korea should revise its policy, and 65 percent said South Korea should develop nuclear weapons to protect itself.

The Chief hearkens to the statement about nothing focusing one’s mind quitre so much as the immediate prospect of being hanged.