Deformed babies killed for super race

It’s hard to imagine that something could actually look worse than some of what the Nazis did to people in their custody – but it sure looks to the Chief like the NorKs have at least matched them in some ways, and arguably are even exceeding some of the eugenic rigor of said unlamented Reich.

The North Korean regime’s obsession with racial purity has led to the killing of disabled infants and forced abortions for women suspected of conceiving their babies by Chinese fathers, according to a growing body of testimony from defectors. The latest description of Kim Jong-il’s policy of state eugenics came from a North Korean doctor, Ri Kwang-chol, who escaped last year and told a forum in Seoul that babies with deformities were killed soon after birth.

There’s a lot more detail in the article, and it’s a grim picture of torture, abuse, and murder.

Apparently this news is not “fit to print”, since it hasn’t been selected for coverage by the NY Slimes editors.

“Jesus wept.”