Election 2010: South Dakota Governor
South Dakota Governor: Daugaard (R) 53%, Heidepriem (D) 33%
Building on an already sizable advantage over the likely Democratic nominee, Republican Lieutenant Governor Dennis Daugaard now earns 53% support from likely voters in South Dakota’s gubernatorial race, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state.
Results are also listed for Knudsen and Howie, neither of which run as strongly as Daugaard.
According to the poll, there are additional single digit results for “Another candidate”, presumably Knuppe/Munstermann territory.
Also out are results concerning the Congressional race:
Election 2010: South Dakota House of Representatives
South Dakota House: Herseth Sandlin (D) 45%, Nelson (R) 41%
Democratic Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is still in a close race with her strongest Republican challenger but has gained support in match-ups with two other GOP hopefuls. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely South Dakota voters finds Herseth Sandlin earning just 45% support to 41% for Republican Chris Nelson. The challenger is South Dakota’s secretary of state.
Looks like Princess Stephanie isn’t able to get a good head of steam this time, which is a sign of danger to her re-election.
This is the third straight month in which the incumbent has earned just 44% or 45% support in a match-up against Nelson. Overall, this month’s numbers are little changed from a month ago or two months ago. Any incumbent at this stage of a campaign who earns less than 50% support is considered potentially vulnerable, but Herseth Sandlin seems stalled in the mid-40s for now in her match-up with Nelson, South Dakota’s secretary of state.
Rasmussen also reports some other interesting data on SD issues polling:
Regarding the Obamacare continuing debate:
Forty-one percent (41%) of all voters in the state favor the requirement in the health plan that every American must buy or obtain health insurance, while 54% oppose it. Forty-eight percent (48%) favor the lawsuit to stop the health care plan that challenges the constitutionality of the requirement. Forty-two percent (42%) oppose the suit.
Tea Time?
Forty-six percent (46%) of all voters in the state say their views on the issues of the day are closer to the views of the average Tea Party member than to those of President Obama. However, nearly as many (40%) say their views are closer to the president’s.
Drill Now!
Seventy-six percent (76%) in South Dakota favor offshore oil drilling, and 59% disagree with the president’s decision to keep the ban on offshore drilling in place off the coasts of New England and California. Voters are closely divided over whether states should have the right to ban drilling off their own coastlines: 39% say yes, while 37% say no.
(I guess this means that support may not be strong for drilling offshore at Lake Herman too – right CAH?)
And, on the economy in general:
Nine percent (9%) of South Dakota voters rate the economy as good, but 38% say it’s poor. Forty-four percent (44%) believe the economy is getting better. Thirty-one percent (31%) say it’s getting worse, and 20% think it’s staying about the same.
Well Shipmate, those polls look pretty good for Conservatives! Now if we can only get some polls showing me leading the liberal in the District 25 House race…