Brains Destroyed by Volcano!

What else accounts for this lack of connection with reality? Remember…this is your tax dollars at work totally as wasted as the minds that can commit this idiocy.

Volcanoes? All Your Fault According To NPR

The slogan attached to NPR gabber Diane Rehm’s show is “one of her guests is always you.” Based on Rehm’s interview of Elise Labott, senior State Department producer for CNN, reality isn’t quite as welcome as you are. Consider this exchange between Rehm and Labott:

Rehm: “We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms –“

Labbot: “And how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen a lot of wacky weather but that’s just a microcosm for what’s happening around the world and how much climate change is contributing to earthquakes and volcanic ash – it’s a really good question.”

Actually, that’s the opposite of a good question. It’s an idiotic question. It’s a question that demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that mainstream media personalities are about as qualified to opine on scientific topics as Roman Polanski is to weigh in on sex education programs.

Did you catch that? Human activity is changing climate, and that THIS causes earthquakes and volcanism? Right. And the increased temperature on Mars is caused by too many SUV’s.


There are no mechanisms – absolutely none – that can even remotely be tied to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, or to the movement of tectonic plates (earthquakes), or the activity of magma pools (volcanoes). The suggestion that such mechanisms might in fact exist demonstrates both a disconnection with reality and a complete disregard of science. When two members of the mainstream media like Rehm and Labott discuss such nonsense in tones that suggest credibility, we can only wonder: what other distortions have they tried to foist upon us.

Wonder where to cut some government spending?