Anti-Christian bigotry is the last fashionable hatred
This week’s Good Friday idiocy at Davenport, Iowa illustrates the all-too prevailing trend of attempting to purge any form of Christianity from public view.
Obviously not everyone is Christian…but the Judeo-Christian view is still the underlying basis of our republic, going back to the Declaration of Independence’s attribution of the source of our rights in the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”.
The following cuts to the kernal of why this is a essential to the maintenance of the Constitution.
The Founding Fathers emphasized that the constitutional republic depended upon a vigorous religious society. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people,” said John Adams. “It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
The Founding Fathers were not secularists. On the contrary, they were devout Christians (with the exception of some Enlightenment deists like Thomas Jefferson), who feared an established church – especially, the Church of England – which persecuted dissenters. They would regard it as bizarre and repulsive were they to witness how the concept of the separation of church and state would be twisted in our time into a form of radical secularism and anti-Christian bias.
Our Judeo-Christian heritage provides the underpinnings to our constitutional government for one simple reason: It acknowledges the transcendental nature of man. Our fundamental liberties flow from God almighty – not the state. This is why individual rights – to life, liberty and property – are the essential bulwarks against government power: What God has given, no man – or regime – can take away. Once America loses its Christian identity, it will inevitably lose its freedoms.
Christophobia forms the basis of modern liberalism. Leftist progressives are determined to destroy traditional America and its seminal institutions – the Constitution, capitalism, national sovereignty and the family. This is why they have declared war on Christianity. If Christians do not rise from their apathy and man the ideological barricades, they will be driven into the catacombs once again. And with their defeat comes the end of our great republic.