The Chief has always kind of hoped that SOMEBODY was doing this…
A senior Pentagon official set up a secret spy network to track down an kill Islamic militants in Pakistan and Afghanistan, according to reports in the U.S.
The elite team of ex-CIA agents and special forces soldiers were even referred to as ‘Jason Bournes’ – a reference to the CIA assassin played by Matt Damon in the Bourne films.
The unit was set up by former air force officer Michael D.Furlong, who is accused of diverting money from intelligence gathering to fund his own network of spies.
According to a report in the New York Times, information gathered by Furlong’s team was used by the military to hunt down and kill Islamic militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Unfortunately, in this politically correct age, it’s been repeatedly demonstrated that actual warfighters have been regularly “flogged”, like in this case.
A Pentagon spokesman confirmed they are investigating the allegations about Furlong.
‘The story makes some serious allegations and raises numerous unanswered questions that warrant further review by the department,’ said Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman.
Another case of refusal to tolerate unrelenting pursuit of the enemy. Alas, no good deeds go unpunished.