RINOs Circle Wagons of Political Correctness

The Chief has taken the liberty of making a number of clarifying interpretive edits to the original article text. The original wording is present…but clarified appropriately (IMHO).

Liz Cheney Group Defends Itself Against Criticism by ConservativesRINOs

The conservative group led by Liz Cheney is having to defend itself against criticism from fellow conservatives Bushian RINOS who say that an ad attacking Attorney General Eric Holder is unfair.

Unfair? WTF?

The ad, launched by Keep America Safe, an advocacy group led by Cheney, criticizes Holder for not disclosing details about Justice Department lawyers who have previously defended alleged terrorists.

The video, which surfaced last week, brands the lawyers as the “Al Qaeda 7″ and ridicules the Justice Department as the “Department of Jihad.” The narrator questions, “Who are these government officials?…Whose values do they share?”

Based on their decisions, not an unreasonable question, but also not exactly politically correct.

Justice Department spokesman Matthew Miller has called it “offensive” that the patriotism of agency lawyers is questioned by Cheney’s group.

Doesn’t it say somewhere “By their fruits ye shall know them.”?

Another way of stating the issue is to note that If they walk like ducks, quack like ducks, then they’re ducks!”