Deconstructing Iranian Prez

Ahmadinejad: ‘The Iranian People… [Can] Quickly Become an Invincible Global Power

Based on the partial Islamodictionary of terms in one of the Chief’s recent posting, it may be enlightening to apply some logic and analysis to remarks of Iranian President Ahm-mad-on-a-jihad Ahmadinejad to try to determine what some of his words for us really say:

“Today, words like morality, spirituality, human nobility, courage, greatness, and affection are meaningless to the great powers.

translation: ONLY ISLAM is the repository of true morality, spirituality, human nobility, courage, greatness and affection, so therefore these cannot be part of the infidel powers.

“They should accept the fact that they have failed in the proper management of the world. They should accept that they are unable to manage the world in a just and progressive manner.

Peace” in Islam equals submission to the will of Allah through his divine and eternal law, sharia, and the extension of the Dar al-Islam – or ‘House of Islam’ – to cover the entire world.

Today, the Iranian people is recognized as a model for all the peoples of the world. From the Far East to the West, and including the southernmost regions of the globe, the peoples’ attention, eyes, and hearts are drawn towards the Iranian people – so that the Iranian people will be able to overcome the difficulties, and present the peoples of the world with a perfect model of splendid, humane, and divine life….Every day, youth, politicians, religious scholars, and scientists make requests in various manners, in order to benefit from help, guidance, and support of the Iranian people. The Eastern and Western groups have failed in managing the world, and the world is left with only one light, one banner, and one people, which has preserved the hope in the hearts of all the peoples. This is the great and courageous people of Iran.”

Sort of reminds one of the praises for der Deutscher herrenvolk during the heyday of the 3rd Reich Marching and Singing Club.

Finally, to cut to the real kernal of things here:

They know that the Iranian people – because of its past culture, its past civilization, its intelligent youth, its human and material potential – has the capacity to quickly become an invincible global power. This will happen as soon as it achieves advanced technologies.”

“advanced technologies” = nuclear weapons.

’nuff said.