Coulter on the Oscars

It’s hard out here for a wimp

Anne Coulter at her best taking note of the events of Oscar night:

In case you missed the Oscars last Sunday night, here are the highlights:

* Best song went to a musical tribute to the overseers of human sex slaves, an occupation known as “pimping”;

* best picture went to a movie about racism in Los Angeles;

* best supporting actor went to the movie about how oil companies murder people; and

* best supporting actress went to the movie about how pharmaceutical companies murder people.

Curiously missing from Oscar night’s festivities was any reference, even in passing, to the 150,000 brave Americans currently risking their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. On behalf of red state America, let me be the first to say: “Screw you, Hollywood.

The Chief heartily seconds that emotion!

She then goes on with a statement of optimism and the basis for it:

Although I must tell you, overall, this Academy Awards ceremony was a major strategic retreat by Hollywood. Despite all their Bolshevik bluster about how Democratic politicians won’t stand up to Republicans, the Hollywood left is as scared of decent patriotic Americans as the Democrats are.

Definitely worth the read!