Islamofascist War has ChiCom Support
Does anyone else think that a lot of the reason that the Jihadistanis are feelin’ their oats these days maybe goes back to Beijing, and the weaponry and tech that they get from them and the North Koreans?
The Hamass and Hisbulls both get support and weapons, like rockets, from the Iranians.
The Iranians, in addition to developing their own rocketry from ChiCom and NorK designs, are also freely acquiring various sorts of military hardware from those sources. And then again, there’s the whole issue of the Iranian nuke program(s).
With the recent NorK nuke test, would anyone be willing to bet against the design information being in Tehran by now? I wouldn’t!
The NorKs get approx. 60% of their trade imports from the ChiComs. If the ChiComs pulled the chain on them, the NorKs wouldn’t be able to sneeze without clearing it in Beijing first.
If Beijing decided to stop supplying Jihadistan, much of their effectiveness would be gutted in short order.
So, not to minimize the immediate and very real threats from Islamofascism, a real part of that problem has the same label as most of the WalMart inventory: Made in China.