B.O. Tax Plans Revisited

The CHief commented on Baraq Hussein’s concession that he is abandoning his sacred campaign promises to avoid any middle class tax increases. This extends that discussion

Obama Begins His Assault on Your Life Savings

The welfare state and your life savings are two cars heading down a one-lane road in opposite directions. One must yield, or there will be a crash.

For Americans who believe in the old-fashioned virtues of hard work, self reliance and respect for private property, the solution is obvious. The welfare state must yield.

For politicians who believe in the welfare state and redistributing wealth, the solution is equally obvious. Your savings must yield.

Barack Obama is of the latter group. In the new health care proposal he outlined this week, he suggested a series of unprecedented tax increases that would extend the greedy hands of government into the life savings of hard-working Americans.

Think this won’t have much effect here in SD?

More of the gory details are described in the article…the conclusion, referring to some of the planned revisions, caught the eye:
The new taxes Obama wants to impose on interest, dividends, annuities and rents to pay for his health care plan are in fact taxes on the life savings of the net payers — on their 401(k)s, savings accounts, paid-off mortgages and life insurance policies — to cover benefits for the net recipients. The redistributionists would ultimately need $435,000 from every full-time worker to cover the welfare state’s unfunded liabilities — even if Obama’s health care plan were never enacted.

Obama is pointing them down the road where they will find it.

Hmmmm. The Chief is a semi-retired public school teacher. Sound like one of those rich folks? (Surely you jest!)

We are living on a quarter-section that has been in the family for over a century — not eactly a land baron. Not being a professional farmer, the cropland on our homestead is rented out to a neighboring pro agriculturalist.

TA-DA! Now, according to B.O.’s reasoning, I am now suddenly by definition a wealthy plutocratic land-owner with “unearned” rental income that becomes worthy of paying extra taxes…and THIS is after already experiencing two successive years of actual tax increases due to IRS “tweaking” the rules.

With no apologies to ANYONE, the Chief has NO HESITATION to state unequivocally that anyone stating that B.O. is not going after the middle class for tax increases under the guise of the Obamacare is either (1) a total partisan hack kool-aid drinker, (2) incapable of rational analysis, (3) someone out for the extension of governmental domination as their primary policy goal, (4) a well-intentioned fool with a lack of situational awareness, or (5) some combination of the above.

Sorry folks, the proof of the puddin’ is in the outgoing increased payment checks to the I.R.S. — at the same time that income has significantly decreased!

How’s all that HOPE and CHANGE working out for YOU?