On a positive note…

Showtime for Spaceship Builders

This fall will see the 2nd show of the private-spaceflight designers, vendors, astronauts, operators, developments, and presumably enthusiasts.

Those caught in the whirlwind of the personal spaceflight business-the builders, shakers, dreamers and schemers-will be found this month at the Wirefly X Prize Cup, set for October 20-21 in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Given the sweep of hardware and plans to be detailed, it’s clear that future ticket-holding space voyagers can pick from any number of vehicles to start chalking up frequent flyer mileage.

This sounds REALLY neat, and if time and money were no problem, the Chief would surely like to be there. But then again…the bit about “if pigs had wings, they’d fly”.

Oh well…it’s still neat just to know that this stuff is out there.