This excellent posting relates the current Jihadistan war games to a continuum on the broader front of the Culture War. Take a look at this, it leads farther yet…but that will be in a later posting.
…if we want to win this war, we need to take back the culture. In order for that to happen, the organs of mass communication will have to change. The new media – of which this blog is a microscopic piece – will eventually supplant the old ones. Eventually Katie Kouric and Paul Krugman will become quaint historical artifacts, a set of wax statues at Madame Tussaud’s.
There’s no doubt that the Emperor has no clothes, and in due course everyone will become aware of it and start to snicker at his pale and flabby flesh.
But, thanks to the Jihad, we may not have enough time to wait for this process to unfold. We may have to put on our pajamas and go to work to help it along.
We really are at a cultural version of the Gates of Vienna. The enemy has driven the traditional culture back inside its fortifications, and is busy digging tunnels to undermine the walls. Many of our people have been captured or converted, and the remnant is just barely holding out, drinking rainwater from the rooftop cisterns and eating dogs just to stay alive.
Only this time there will be no King of Poland to ride down the hill in a glorious charge. This time there will be no Jan III Sobieski to save our sorry fundament. We’re going to have to do this one ourselves.
This is a vivid and evocative image. Do you get it? Still thinking about it a bit? Read on as Beach Girl sounds an eloquent tocsin in the Culture War:
A Western Woman’s Call for Help
Have you ever been driven to just say something and get it over with? Well, today I call upon Western Men – ideologically Western Men – to care for your women, your culture, your homes, and the future of your children. I know you do but the times call for action. I include Japan and other Pacific nations who have embraced freedom. This is a call of ideology.
Well, the enemy appears to be two-fold. I would submit that the enemy is one and that is socialism/totalitarianism. They come to us in two forms: through the arrogance of our liberal elite and through the arrogant elitism of the islamic clerics. In truth, there is no reasoning with either of them. As you know well, when you try to engage them in conversation, their first, middle, and last line of defense is to call you names: racist, bigot, islamophobe.
We need a Crusade for Reformation in the West, against Sharia Law and for pulling ourselves up out of the mire of degredation, the insanity of moral equivalency, the over-running of our borders.
Read the rest too.
Phew! Call it like it is! Hey guys! Come on, let’s get with the program!