U.S. Cites United Front on Iran
The United States is confident that Russia and China will join it in pushing for U.N. sanctions against Iran if it does not agree to suspend enriching uranium this week, a senior U.S. official said yesterday. R. Nicholas Burns, undersecretary of state for political affairs, also said the U.N. Security Council will insist on a clear answer to its demand that Iran suspend its enrichment activity. A “maybe” will be considered a “no,” he said.
It’s nice that the Foggy Bottom Boys at the State Department are feeling optimistic. The Chief has to wonder what the basis of their optimism is, other than a case of diplomatic vapors. Certainly past history of dealings with KGB-head Putin and the ChiComs offer nothing to get excited about. Like they’ve been willing to help read the law to the North Koreans and THEIR nuke program, haven’t they? No? Oh. Never mind.
Maybe they just got a shipment of hashish from the middle east, so they’re all feeling good about the prospects over there. At least THAT would make some sense as an explanation.