Joke of the Day

Pelosi tells C-SPAN: ‘There has never been a more open process’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) defended Congress’ work on a healthcare bill Tuesday saying the process has displayed historic transparency, just as C-SPAN mounts an effort to open the negotiations.

The arrogant impudence of the Donkey Party House Speaker has gotten to be too much for even the MSM to swallow without gagging.

C-SPAN wrote a letter to congressional leaders Tuesday asking that TV cameras be allowed to film negotiations to reconcile the House and Senate versions of healthcare reform legislation.

But Pelosi said Congress has already been transparent throughout the process.

“There has never been a more open process for any legislation,” Pelosi said at a press conference.

Is she on bad acid, or what? Prima facie, reality no longer has a place in her mind.