Clinton, Caught in the Act of Being Himself

Bill Clinton: Play It as It Lies

Former President Bill Clinton, never one to let truth stand in the way of a good line, has decided to reincarnate himself as our tough, anti-terror President. The man who ran away from military service and displayed striking contempt for our armed forces has now announced that he did more – and would do more – to combat Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda than anyone else. In his view, he should be recognized as the best man to fight that enemy.

(Cough-cough, gag, gasp!) The best man to do lead a fight against the Islamofascists? What a sad, sick joke THAT one is!

The man who was in the Soviet Union demonstrating against the American military during Vietnam, who as President left our armed forces short on so many fronts, now is – in his own 20/20 hindsight – The Defense President. Now he criticizes the Bush Administration for not doing enough, proclaims himself the champion of effective military action, and implies none too subtly that the fight against terrorism would go better if we had a Clinton in the White House instead of a Bush.

This isn’t mere spin. It’s full-scale invention.

The Chief couldn’t say it any clearer that THAT!