Geagea scoffs at Hizbullah’s claims of ‘victory’

First, a sidebar comment: the Chief LIKES this way of spelling the name of the the semi-Paleswinian Shiitehead organization. It just…fits – especially in the context of this article!

Anti-Syrian Christian leader Samir Geagea scoffed Sunday at Hizbullah’s claims of victory in the war with Israel and avowals that it wanted a strong state in Lebanon. “We are the victors, and yet we do not feel it was victory but rather that a real catastrophe befell our country, and that our fate and destiny are at the mercy of the winds,” the Lebanese Forces (LF) leader and member of the “March 14″ political group told a rally attended by tens of thousands of supporters.

Crowds flocked to the hilltop Maronite cathedral in Harissa north of Beirut, site of a giant statue of the Virgin Mary, for a mass at the rally, which was staged as a memorial for LF “martyrs” who were killed during the 1975-1990 Civil War. “We are the victors because it was us who were demanding the [Lebanese] Army’s deployment [in South Lebanon], backed by UNIFIL [peacekeepers], while they were opposed,” said Geagea.

The Chief would agree with the assessment that the outcome of the recent Lebanese front of WW-IV was less than a ringing victory for the Hiz-bull-ers, as indicated by their Ubersturmbahnfuhrer Sheik Nasrullah’s admission that if he had known that Israel would have responded the way it did, he would never have allowed the attack/kidnapping that touched of the whole thing. That’s NOT the viewpoint of a victor.