Say It Like it Is: ISLAMOFASCISM !!!!

Islamic Fascism 101

Victor Davis Hanson writing at National Review Online lays out in as concise and brief summary as could be done, on WHY exactly, based on historical evidence, the terrs et al are, indeed and in fact, Islamofascists, which is a concept that the Chief understood long ago, as I am sure VDH did also.

It’s still beneficial to cut the crap and lay it all out on the table for use as a cluebat to hopefully impart, if not aquiesence, then at least the silence of shame from the moonbats who would negotiate with these religious thugs.

First, the general idea of “fascism” – the creation of a centralized authoritarian state to enforce blanket obedience to a reactionary, all-encompassing ideology – fits well the aims of contemporary Islamism that openly demands implementation of sharia law and the return to a Pan-Islamic and theocratic caliphate.

In addition, Islamists, as is true of all fascists, privilege their own particular creed of true believers by harkening back to a lost, pristine past, in which the devout were once uncorrupted by modernism.

…and HERE’S an unforgettable image for you:

True, bin Laden’s mythical Volk doesn’t bath in the clear icy waters of the Rhine untouched by the filth of the Tiber; but rather they ride horses and slice the wind with their scimitars in service of a soon to be reborn majestic world of caliphs and mullahs. Osama bin Laden sashaying in his flowing robes is not all that different from the obese Herman Goering in reindeer horns plodding around his Karinhall castle with suspenders and alpine shorts.

PHEW! Spare us!

Because fascism is born out of insecurity and the sense of failure, hatred for Jews is de rigueur. To read al Qaeda’s texts is to reenter the world of Mein Kampf (naturally now known as Jihadi in the Arab world).

There’s more, much more. Check it out, and let not your hearts be troubled at calling the enemy by an accurately descriptive name: Islamofascist.