Fraud in Europe’s Cap and Trade System a ‘Red Flag,’ Critics Say
The top cops in Europe say carbon-trading has fallen prey to an organized crime scheme that has robbed the continent of $7.4 billion — a massive fraud that lawmakers and energy experts say should send a “red flag” to the U.S., where the House approved cap-and-trade legislation over the summer amid stiff opposition.
In a statement released last week, the Europol police agency said Europe’s cap-and-trade system has been the victim of organized crime during the past 18 months, resulting in losses of roughly $7.4 billion. The agency, headquartered in the Netherlands, estimated that in some countries up to 90 percent of the entire market volume was caused by fraudulent activities.
Organized crime? Looks like two mobs fighting over the loot: the Euro governments vs. the “honest” gangsters (who don’t use the shield of governmental status to justify their theft).