Firstly, just to put Glowbull warming into the perspective of reality:
Massive storm buries central US in snow
A massive storm buried much of the central United States in dangerous ice and snow Wednesday, stranding scores of motorists with massive drifts that shut down major roads and defeated plows.
Strong winds created drifts as high as 15 feet (4.6 meters) as the storm dropped as much as four feet of snow (1.2 meters) in some areas, said Pat Slattery, a spokesman for the National Weather Service.
Meanwhile, another blow of the axe to the big tree of glowbull warming himself
Climategate: Gore falsifies the record
This report from Andrew Bold from the land of Oz highlights AlGore hisself stating THREE TIMES that the Climategate e-mails were deserving of no creds since they were produced by e-mail exchanges of more than 10 years ago. He MIGHT have a point…IF THIS WAS TRUE…BUT IT’S PATENTLY FALSE!
…as Bolt points out:
In fact, as Watts Up With That shows, one Climategate email was from just two months ago. The most recent was sent on November 12 – just a month ago. The emails which have Tom Wigley seeming (to me) to choke on the deceit are all from this year. Phil Jones’ infamous email urging other Climategate scientists to delete emails is from last year.
How closely did Gore read these emails? Did he actually read any at all? Was he lying or just terribly mistaken? What else has he got wrong?
UPDATE – Reader Barry:
Actually the e-mail archives are named by Unix timestamp, ranging from Thu, 07 Mar 1996 14:41:07 GMT through to Thu, 12 Nov 2009 19:17:44 GMT. This is a strong indicator they are extracted from an enterprise archive, probably by the FOIA Compliance Officer and not hacked from individual’s workstations.
This one concerns the Copenhagen Glowbull Warming Love-in:
Sensenbrenner to Tell Copenhagen: No Climate Laws Until ‘Scientific Fascism’ Ends
The ranking Republican on the House Select Committee for Energy Independence and Global Warming said Tuesday he is going to attend the Copenhagen conference on climate change to inform world leaders that despite any promises made by President Obama, no new laws will be passed in the United States until the “scientific fascism” ends. [sound of b-slap from cluebat to Conference]
Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., also wrote to Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, on Monday to demand that researchers who authored e-mails and documents that demonstrate climate change data were manipulated should not be allowed to participate in the latest report written by the U.N. panel. “I call it ‘scientific fascism,'” Sensenbrenner said during a press conference with fellow climate change skeptics. “The U.N. should throw a red flag. …. They relied on these scientists unjustifiably in my opinion.” [sound of b-slap from cluebat to U.N.]
Sensenbrenner wrote that “these bad actors” limited peer-reviewed studies used by the IPCC, which is leading the Copenhagen conference on climate change. “Their behavior has caused grave damage to the public trust in climate science in general, and to the IPCC, in particular,” Sensenbrenner wrote. “They should not be allowed to do so in the future. [emphasis added] I therefore request that you and the co-chairs of each of the three IPCC working groups ensure that none of the individuals involved in these nefarious e-mail exchanges participate as contributors, reviewers, or in any other capacity in the preparation of” the next IPCC report.
The above paragraph hits the kernal of a major long-term ramification of the whole Climategate phenomenon. If the political and the mainstream state-controlled media establishments continue to beat the drum for AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) they will only ultimately gut their own credibility, along with the “warmist” so-called scientists.
Take a breath, exhale, and throw another log on the fire, especially if you have been experiencing the above noted winter storm like we have at the Chief’s outpost in NW Moody County.