Reid doubles down on slavery analogy
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday defended his remarks from Monday comparing congressional Republican opposition to healthcare to the 19th-century debate over slavery, accusing his GOP critics of “distorting” his intent.
“At pivotal points in American history, the tactics of distortion and delay have certainly been present,” Reid said. “They’ve certainly been used to stop progress. That’s what we’re talking about here. That’s what’s happening here. It’s very clear. That’s the point I made — no more, no less. Anyone who willingly distorts my comments is only proving my point.”
WOW! I must have missed the section in the Constitution that states that the senate majority leader speaks ex cathedra, and any opposition is automatically and inevitably to be regarded as condemned for such politically incorrect heresy.
What Reid is also doing here is continuing to show his disingenuous lack of knowledge of American history.
His statement “At pivotal points in American history, the tactics of distortion and delay…etc.” is incorrect. In the past circumstances he has noted: slavery, women’s suffrage, and civil rights opposition was certainly present…but there was no distortion involved: the opposition was unambiguously open in its advocacy of its views…but why be concerned with historical accuracy!