WOW! It’s got to be a cold day in hell for the Chief to be in agreement with something from Donk Cong. Charlie Rangel, but that’s the case this time.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his Bush-bashing to Harlem yesterday and earned a stiff rebuke from the New York district’s congressman, Rep. Charles B. Rangel, who is no fan of President Bush. “You don’t come into my country, you don’t come into my congressional district and criticize my president,” Mr. Rangel, a Democrat, told stunned reporters on Capitol Hill.
Well said! Give credit where credit’s due.
Other NY pols are also reading from the same page:
The Big Apple hits back – hard
Clinton, Pataki, Schumer, Rangel, and Bloomberg all swing the cluebat on this one, not that even that’ll penetrate Chavez’ thick skull.