Pope Dissects Islamic Threat

Jihad, the Lord’s Supper, and eternal life

Spengler’s laser-sharp logic once again cuts through the fog of political correctness to slice and dice the prevailing miasma of appeasement that has the West in danger of asphyxiation.

This time he is highlighting the harsh-seeming truth that Islam’s ultimate stance towards the non-Islamic dar al Harb (that means YOU and me, infidel!) is intrinsically similar to the attitude of the (apace) aliens in the SciFi potboiler Independence Day. Recall the scene when the President met with the alien emissary who communicated that they were here to basically dissect the planet for raw materials. When the Pres. then asked what they expected us to do, the alien simply replied “Die!”.

Actually Islam DOES offer us another choice – conversion, and/or complete submission to the mullahs and ayatollahs. As far as the Chief is concerned – no thanks – not in this world, OR the next!

The Islamic world now views the pontiff as an existential threat, and with reason. Jihad is not merely the whim of a despotic divinity, as the pope implied. It is much more: jihad is the fundamental sacrament of Islam, the Muslim cognate of the Lord’s Supper in Christianity, that is, the unique form of sacrifice by which the individual believer communes with the Transcendent. To denounce jihad on theological grounds is a blow at the foundations of Islam, in effect a papal call for the conversion of the Muslims.

Just a bit from this column – but the Chief’s recommendation is that it is well worth reading carefully. The kernal is in his conclusion:

There is no Grace in Islam, no miracle, no expiatory sacrifice, no expression of love for mankind such that each Muslim need not be a sacrifice. On the contrary, the concept of jihad, in which the congregation of Islam is also the army, states that every single Muslim must sacrifice himself personally. Jihad is the precise equivalent of the Lord’s Supper in Christianity and the Jewish Sabbath, the defining expression of sacrifice that opens the prospect of eternity to the mortal believer. To ask Islam to become moderate, to reform, to become a peaceful religion of personal conscience is the precise equivalent of asking Catholics to abolish Mass.

Islam, I have argued for years, faces an existential crisis in the modern world, which has ripped its adherents out of their traditional existence and thrust them into deadly conflicts. What was always latent in Islam has now come to the surface: the practice of Islam now expresses itself uniquely in jihad. Benedict XVI has had the courage to call things by their true names. Everything else is hypocrisy and self-delusion.