POPE Benedict has hit out at Islam and its concept of holy war during a visit to his Bavarian homeland. The thinly veiled attack on extremist Islam’s justification for terrorism came during a theological lecture to staff and students at the University of Regensburg, where the former Joseph Ratzinger taught theology in the 1970s.
Using the words, “jihad” and “holy war”, the Pope quoted criticisms of the prophet Mohammed by a 14th century Byzantine Christian emperor, Manuel II, during a debate with a learned Persian.
Yowch! Not exactly an example of political correctness!
He also went on and noted a real problem that the West has given itself:
But in reiterating his concerns about a modern world “deaf” to God, he warned that other religious cultures saw the West’s exclusion of God “as an attack on their most profound convictions”. “A reason which is deaf to the divine and which relegates religion into the realm of subcultures is incapable of entering into the dialogue of cultures,” he said.
A double dose of unpleasant truths.
DISCLOSURE: I am as Catholic as Brigham Young!
Of course, the reaction to this from the “Religion of Piss Peace is predictable:
Pope’s speech stirs Muslim anger
Muslim religious leaders have accused Pope Benedict XVI of quoting anti-Islamic remarks during a speech at a German university this week.
Seems to the Chief that calling a spade a spade is NOT considered acceptable – but then, that’s what political correctness is all obout, isn’t it?