sic: Facile ‘fascist’ terminology
Here’s another academician who has thought himself right out of contact with reality:
Fascism as a form of government has no meaning in today’s political market. And adding an adjective like “Islamofascism” doesn’t make it so. What the Islamic terrorists are doing is not “fascism,” it’s terrorism, pure and simple based on their reading of the Koran supported by guest appearances of Osama bin Laden.
The Chief’s read on this is that Islamofascism IS a good descriptive term. The current crop of Islamists can be historically traced back to ideologic contact with the 3rd Reich’s National Socialists. The Baath movement was organized as a pan-Arabist version of national socialism to be implemented mutually in a pan-Arabic state.
It includes the forcible imposition of a particular world-view, and the suppression of opposition and dissent from whatever source. It also happened to adopt the anti-Jewish attitudes of the German (and others) to the extent of continuing to promulgate anti-Jewish literature from such sources as the late unlamented Reich, and the old Russian Czarist forged history called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.
Terrorism is a tactic. Fighting a “War on Terror” makes as much sense as fighting a “War Against Amphibious Assault”. Same logical difference. Of course the Chief DOES admit the aspect of terror attacking non-military targets to obtain a desired reaction is particular repulsive, but then hey, attacking ANY target in any way is ultimately a means of forcing a behavioral response from the enemy.
As General Sherman noted, “War is Hell” – an organized effort to kill people and break things. The current war needs to be properly focused on the properly identified enemy, who are not just “terrorists”…they are indeed identifiable as Islamofascists, with a commonality of goals, ideology, and focus shared by the Iranian and Syrian states, organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and openly terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, et al.
All of them share the goal of either forcing the conversion of the west to their point of view, or of imposing the subjection of the state of Dhimmitude on those of us who do not accept that program.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and lays duck eggs, it must be a duck! The Islamist radicals of whatever stripe are close enough to fascism to make a quibble pointless. Since they are generally similar to the original fascists in their actions and programs, and are after all, Islamic, the term ISLAMOFASCIST fits the bill nicely for identification.
’nuff said.