Birds of a feather…

Fatah, Hamas move toward unity

This is another one of those DUH! reports, as if anyone with half a brain and/or some degree of situational awareness didn’t already know that both of these outfits are essentially different expressions of the same attitudes and beliefs that characterize Islamofascism.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh announced an agreement in principle yesterday on the formation of a unity government comprising ministers from their rival Fatah and Hamas parties.

The real underlying issue behind this move is financial:


he final agreement is expected to include an implicit recognition of Israel by Hamas, but it was not clear whether it would go far enough to end an international aid boycott that has paralyzed the Palestinian government and left its workers unpaid for months.

The United States and European Union have insisted that aid cannot resume until the Palestinian government recognizes Israel, renounces terrorism and agrees to honor previous treaties with the Jewish state.

The Chief wouldn’t make any bets that the State Department’s Foggy Bottom Boys don’t proclaim that this is a major new change that justifies resuming payment of baksheesh tribute support payments to these bloody-handed weasels.

What happened to the attitude of the fledgling Congress that proclaimed 200 years ago in relation to the Barbary “pirates” (the same peoples that are running Islamoterrorism today) “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!” as they authorized construction of the first ships of our new government’s navy.