Pelosi Obamascare Budget Holes

Say it isn’t so!  A major new governmental program proposal (this one from the Donkey Party) that will exceed it’s initial estimated cost?

AHHEEEEEEE!  What’s the world coming to!

‘Fuzzy math’ could drive health bill cost higher

The official $1.1 trillion price tag for the House Democrats’ health care bill excludes dozens of unfunded programs that could drive up costs when future congresses look to fund them.

Republicans said the health care bill includes two dozen programs whose funding is listed as “such sums as may be necessary.” That amounts to legislative jargon, they said, for “We’ll bill you later.”

The list of projects ranges from the “No child left unimmunized against influenza” project to 10 programs in the Indian health care system. There are also programs to encourage people to go into nursing and to spur states to restrain medical-malpractice lawsuits.

Shocking! Simply Shocking! Who would have EVER expected this?…oh, yeah, anyone who pays attention to government. Right.