Leak cost U.S. spy links to Chinese arms sales
With all the (justified) brouhaha about the war on Islamofascism, the ChiComs continue to be 800 pound gorilla in the corner that gets ignored, which suits them just fine as they continue to ramp up to a position where they can become decisively dominant in one fell swoop. (Go back and read your Sunzi Bingfa, more commonly referred to here as Sun Tzu’s Art of War.)
A former analyst for the Pentagon’s intelligence service provided China with highly classified information prior to the loss of a major electronic spying operation against Beijing, The Washington Times has learned.
The loss of the National Security Agency’s eavesdropping operation hampered U.S. efforts to track China’s covert arms sales to nations such as Iran, Syria and Pakistan, Bush administration officials said.
OK. So not only did this traitor betray us to the ChiComs (which is bad enough!), but he effectively has also effectively given aid and comfort to the Islamofascists at the same time.
What’s left to say?
Traitor. Rope. Tree. Some assembly required!