Pelosiscare Update

House Dems struggle for final votes on health care

Amid intense lobbying by the Obama administration, House Democratic leaders struggled Friday for the final votes needed to pass sweeping health care legislation, working to ease concerns among Hispanic holdouts and abortion foes.

“We’re very close” to having enough votes to prevail, said Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland, although he added a scheduled Saturday vote could slip by a day or two and sought to pin the blame on possible Republican delaying tactics.

“Nice try, Rep. Hoyer, but you can’t blame Republicans when the fact is you just don’t have the votes,” shot back Antonia Ferrier, spokeswoman for the GOP leader, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio.

You just KNOW the press-gangs will be out to try to Shanghai the votes.

Meanwhile, South Dakotas own self-proclaimed blue dog isn’t making SanFranNan’s life any easier:

Herseth Sandlin says she will vote against health care reform

SOUNDS good…but she HAS left herself some room to waffle with.

Her answer is “no.”

For now, at least.

U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin on Friday ended speculation on how she would vote on the much-amended, much-debated House version of health care reform, giving it a thumbs down.

In a hastily called conference call Friday morning, the South Dakota Democrat told reporters she would oppose a House reform plan expected to face a floor vote this weekend. Despite improvements, it still costs too much, burdens states with increased Medicaid costs and reduces long-term coverage for senior citizens, among other problems, Herseth Sandlin said.

Here’s the “but-monkey” part of teh statement:

But she also said further work by the House, Senate and President Barack Obama might produce a better version of reform that she could eventually support.

How this ultimately ends up is anybody’s guess.