One of the big things that B.O. promised during his campaign was that a new style of engaging diplomacy would absolutely get us positive results. This of course was supposed to be contrasted with the alleged failures and lack of respect that resulted from Bush’s harder line policies (which the Chief doesn’t really consider to any too consistent in their own right).
So, here’s how impressed Ahmadinejad “Ah’m-mad-on-a-jihad” is with this form of “Change” that HE believes in:
Ahmadinejad: Iran’s Enemies a ‘Mosquito’
Iran’s hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday compared the power of Iran’s enemies to a “mosquito,” saying Iran now deals with the West over its nuclear activities from a position of power. The comment from Ahmadinejad came as Iran is negotiating with the West over a U.N.-backed proposal to ship its uranium abroad for further enrichment….
“While enemies have used all their capacities … the Iranian nation is standing powerfully and they are like a mosquito,” a government Web site quoted Ahmadinejad early Sunday as saying.
Ahmadinejad also said Iran doesn’t trust the West when it sits for talks. “Given the negative record of Western powers, the Iranian government … looks at the talks with no trust. But realities dictate to them to interact with the Iranian nation,” he said according to the site.
Did you get that last bit? “Realities DICTATE to them…” – in other words we are in a position where we are now FORCED to deal with Iran due to Iran’s successful exercise of power!
So much for the results of B.O.’s and Hilary’s “new” diplomatic attitude. Appeasement works every time…from the point of view of the appeased.