Do As I say, not As I do!

Clinton & Cohorts Demand Censorship Right to ABC

Amazing! Could you just imagine the uproar from the MSM if a group of Republicans “DEMANDED” that a TV network alter it’s programming at the behest of the complainers?

Clinton et al are apparently beyond such criticism, judging from ABC’s haste to bend over and grab its ankles for Bubba, and the lack of MSM concern about “censorship”.


A furious Bill Clinton is warning ABC that its mini-series “The Path to 9/11″ grossly misrepresents his pursuit of Osama bin Laden – and he is demanding the network “pull the drama” if changes aren’t made.

OUCH! The program must have been cutting pretty close to the bone to get such an immediate and rabid reaction.

First reports out of LA look like he may have succeeded too:

ABC alters 9/11 show under pressure

After a screening of the first episode in Washington last week, some audience members attacked the film’s depiction of the Clinton administration’s pursuit of Osama bin Laden. Among those unhappy was Richard Ben-Veniste, an attorney and member of the 9/11 commission whom some conservatives have dismissed as a Democratic attack dog. Richard A. Clarke, the former counterterrorism czar, has criticized the movie for suggesting that the Clinton administration was in a position to capture Bin Laden in 1998 but canceled the mission at the last minute.

After much discussion, ABC executives and the producers toned down, but did not eliminate entirely, a scene that involved Clinton’s national security advisor, Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger, declining to give the order to kill Bin Laden, according to a person involved with the film who declined to be identified because of the sensitivities involved.

Censorship? As far as the Chief is concerned, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck, and sadly not the one from AFLAC.