B.O. Appoints Fox to Guard Financial Henhouse

Wall Street exec to lead SEC fraud branch

The Obama administration on Friday tapped a Wall Street executive to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission’s charge against investor fraud in the wake of the Bernie Madoff scandal as it pushed anew for a regulatory overhaul to protect Americans from financial sector shenanigans.

The SEC announced Adam Storch, vice president of Goldman Sachs’ Business Intelligence Group, is assuming the new position of managing executive of the its enforcement division, created earlier this year.

Goldman-Sachs AGAIN? Yeah. Right.

Although the Chief has some serious issues with Arizona Senator John McCain, on this one he hit the nail on the head:

“SEC names Goldman Sachs exec to enforcement post – you can’t make it up,” quipped Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, on Twitter, the popular social-networking Web site.

THIS is more “Change You Can Believe In” – at least if you’re with Goldman-Sachs.

This is the same Goldman Sachs involved with continuing to make massive bonus payments.

Conflict of interest?  What’s that?  (Nothing to see here folks. Move along.)

One thought on “B.O. Appoints Fox to Guard Financial Henhouse”

  1. That’s right! Obama the Communist is in cahoots with… uber-capitalists.

    Frankly the Chief isn’t convinced the B.O. is actually a Communist, although he certainly IS a collectivist of some variety or other.

    His economic record thus far is actually much closer to that of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Mussolini’s Fascisti; “Private” (oligarchic) ownership with the owners in the tank and actively doing the bidding of the state. A somewhat different model than that of classical Leninist/Stalinist Communism…but equally totalitarian in its impact on individual liberties.

    As far as the so-called “uber-capitalists” – they are so much in the tank with the government, that they are effectively turning themselves into voluntarily nationalized enterprises, with no problemo at all as long as they are still taking their gov’t guaranteed cut of the federal pie (bail-outs, TARP, etc.).

    If we REALLY had a capitalist system, AIG, Citicorp, GM, Chysler, etc. would have been left to experience the consequences of their mismanagement and go bankrupt. A real uber capitalist would be willing to confront and deal with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that is a part of free competition. The government interventions, support, protection, contractual favors, “pay to play”, “too big to fail” deals, etc. would NOT be allowed as part of a true capitalist system.

    The guys from Goldman-Sachs, etc. as well as the (privately owned) Federal Reserve, are part of what has sadly become a “corporate state” not a capitalistic system.

    B.O. is OK with this, since it results in the concentration of more power in Washington, to the detriment of the liberty of the rest of us.

    [Ad hominem snark deleted.]

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