RINO Season Returns

GOP Graham’s endorsement boosts climate change bill

In an op-ed published Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina joined with Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the chamber’s leading Democratic advocate of climate legislation, to promote a bipartisan plan to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.

They proposed a compromise that reduces U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions – which are widely considered to contribute to climate change – through a market-based “cap and trade” system, combined with a “clean energy” program providing incentives for nuclear power, offshore oil and gas drilling, and coal emissions controls.

The nuke bit, and POSSIBLE extra drilling are good, but doesn’t offset the rest of the Cap and Tax provisions.

Overall, with Republicans like Sen. Graham-cracker, who needs Democrats?

UPDATE: Graham-cracker isn’t alone in exemplifying the RINO attitude; of course Olympia Snowe(-blind) has made a career of this.